General Information

Del Haven Water Project

Del Haven Water Service Location Letter.pdf

Del Haven Water Service Requirements.pdf


Del Haven Established Water Rates.pdf

Del Haven Rates Resolution.pdf

Click here to see the Del Haven Project Map

Del Haven Water Availability Lnk

Construction of upgrades and improvements to Lower Township MUA, Del Haven Water Main Extension Project, capital costs of $11,728,583 were financed by the New Jersey Water Bank (NJWB). The NJWB is a State Revolving Fund program jointly administered by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the New Jersey Infrastructure Bank (NJIB) and uses a combination of funds provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the DEP, and the NJIB to provide very low interest loans to borrowers for environmental infrastructure projects.

Salt water has been intruding in Del Haven wells for years, leaving residents without a reliable drinking water source. This project will provide safe drinking water to residents and businesses in the Del Haven Water Main Extension area located in Middle Township.

State Revolving Fund programs around the nation provide states and communities the resources necessary to maintain and improve the infrastructure protecting our valuable water resources nationwide.